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25 Top Three Year SD Scores*

1. 1969 - 71 Baltimore Orioles +9.86
2. 1937 - 39 New York Yankees +9.70
3. 1997 - 99 New York Yankees +9.41
4. 1936 - 38 New York Yankees +9.31
5. 1986 - 88 New York Mets +9.28
6. 1942 - 44 St. Louis Cardinals +8.78
7. 1988 - 90 Oakland Athletics +8.37
8. 1935 - 37 New York Yankees +8.35
9. 1909 - 11 Philadelphia Athletics +8.28
10. 1905 - 07 Chicago Cubs +8.21
11. 1906 - 08 Chicago Cubs +8.20
12. 1941 - 43 New York Yankees +8.17
13. 1901 - 03 Pittsburgh Pirates +8.16
14. 1968 - 70 Baltimore Orioles +8.12
15. 1970 - 72 Baltimore Orioles +8.11
16. 1938 - 40 New York Yankees +8.07
17. 1988 - 90 New York Mets +8.05
18. 1985 - 87 New York Mets +8.02
19. 1974 - 76 Cincinnati Reds +7.99
20. 1972 - 74 Oakland Athletics +7.98
21. 1928 - 30 Philadelphia Athletics +7.86
22. 1911 - 13 New York Giants +7.85
23. 1939 - 41 New York Yankees +7.78
24. 1926 - 28 New York Yankees +7.77
25. 1961 - 63 New York Yankees +7.77

Standard Deviation Score measures a team's performance relative to other teams, using runs scored and runs allowed and how many SDs the team is from the league average.

* Source: Baseball Dynasties by Rob Neyer and Eddie Epstein

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